Sunday, July 13, 2008

Who is this? - Candi

At the BBQ uncle Rick brought some photos from the past.  I found this one of Dani and just had to post it.  She was so young then, and we miss her so much.

Then I came across this one, and for a brief moment I wasn't sure what fiesta Mom was attending.  After a second I recognized "Pedro"as Dad, and a little later I realized that "Rosa" (to the right of the picture) was Dani.  She was around 15 at the time and looks a little like a middle aged mexican woman, but I was able to pick her o
ut.  When I was giggling about the photo Kelly asked me what I was talking about.  When I described it he said "you mean the woman wearing a pioneer outfit is Dani?  No way!" He had looked thru the pictures before me and remembered seeing and wondering who the heck that was.  We found the picture and he had to look at it for a while before he would believe me.  We love you Dani, but this is a really funny picture.  (P.S. If you need some ammo to fire back grandpa took a horrible picture of me at the BBQ.  I was doing some sort of strange contortion as I was taking a picture, and he wouldn't let me delete it.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I still laugh out loud every time I see this. What can I say but it was a bad time in my life looks wise. I am the chamelon, Middle age mexican woman...check, small jewish boy....check, minature Jed...check...Just remember...Game on...